34th ECNP Congress Hybrid
Two weeks left before the start of the 34th ECNP Congress Hybrid!
And the good news: you can still register!
Via the button below you will find all details about registration, both in-person and online.

Join us in Lisbon
With an in-person registration you have exclusive access to the Top Paper, Love your Brain and Brainstorming sessions and the Campfires that are not accessible for online participants, as these interactive sessions will not be available on-demand.These sessions can be found in the programme at session level with the track stating 'in-person'.
Do not miss the opportunity to network with fellow participants, visit the poster sessions and enjoy a coffee and lunch.
You can still benefit from the low registration fee if you register before or on 1 October. After this date, registration is only possible on-site at the congress venue (at a higher rate).
Safety first
We will have a full range of measures in place to safeguard participants and make the meeting as safe and healthy as possible. We also have testing facilities onsite for peace of mind and to help you with your return travel arrangements.
Join us online
Registration to follow the livestreamed sessions through the online platform is possible until 5 October, the last day of the congress.
On-demand access
If you register in-person or online before 5 October you will benefit from access to our online congress platform to view the recordings of the livestreamed sessions until 13 January 2022, 12.00 CET.
The sessions that are live streamed can be recognised in the programme at session level with the track stating 'in-person and online'.
Abstracts 34th ECNP Congress now online!
The abstracts from poster presenters of the 34th ECNP Congress Hybrid are now available in the online programme.

To have a look at all the abstracts, go to the abstract list. You will find the abstracts starting with a P.
To filter on topic, author or any other criteria, use the filter button and hit 'apply to abstract list'.
If you want to have an extensive overview, go to the session P.01, P.02, P.03 or EP.01 in the programme.
General Assembly of ECNP Members 2021
All ECNP members are cordially invited to attend the next ECNP General Assembly to be held on Monday 4 October 2021.
Location: Centro de Congressos de Lisboa (CCL)
Praça das Indústrias, Lisboa, Portugal
Winner Best Negative Data Prize in Clinical Neuroscience 2021
The 2021 award goes to C.G. Abdallah et al. for ‘Modulation of the antidepressant effects of ketamine by the mTORC1 inhibitor rapamycin’ in Neuropsychopharmacology (2020) 45, pp. 990-97.
Chadi Abdallah, the Beth K and Stuart Yudofsky Chair in the Neuropsychiatry of Military PTSD at Baylor University, USA, will accept the award at a special campfire session at the 34th ECNP Congress on Monday 4 October at 9.00 (WEST).
Established by ECNP in collaboration with Cohen Veteran Bioscience (CVB), the award recognises those who have made exceptional contributions to CNS treatment development by publishing clinical research with negative findings.
The award comes with the € 10,000 cash prize generously provided by CVB.
CME accreditation for ECNP Congress 2021
CME accreditation is available for congress participants through the ECNP Congress online platform, accessible for in-person and online participants.
The platform is open from 2 October 09.00 Lisbon time zone (WEST – Western European Summer Time).
A total of 23 CME credits is available.
How to apply
Participants requesting CME credits for their participation in the 34th ECNP Congress Hybrid are required to complete the online evaluation form about the congress which has been set up by the European Accreditation Committee in CNS (EACIC) before 13 January 2022.
More info is available here.
ECNP Workshop 2022 Call for abstracts
The ECNP Workshop for Early Career Scientists in Europe aims to stimulate high-quality experimental and clinical research in brain disorders and their treatments by promoting and encouraging the development of young scientists seeking to pursue research careers in neuropsychopharmacology.
If you wish to attend the next ECNP Workshop, 17-20 March 2022, Nice, France, you are now welcome to submit your abstract to apply.
Submit your abstract by clicking on the button below.

The deadline for abstract submission is 20 October 2021.
EQIPD project comes to an end
The EQIPD (European Quality In Preclinical Data) project is being finalised at the end of this month.
The 5th EQIPD General Assembly was held on 13 and 14 September. The programme also contained a mini-symposium presented by young scientists participating in the EQIPD project.
Watch here the EQIPD video series.
It was a pleasure for ECNP to be part of this project!